New Channel Alert: Expanding My Creative Exploration with Something Exciting!

Dear Readers,

Practicing Photography - My photography YouTube channel

Since starting my blog, I've been committed to feeding your creativity with weekly posts covering various photography topics. Whether you're an aspiring photographer or a seasoned pro, I've aimed to sprinkle in a little something for everyone. And I hope you've been enjoying my shorter weekly tips designed to sharpen your photography skills.

Have you checked out my YouTube channel Practicing Photography? There, I've been sharing my escapades in photography, as well as some nifty 'How to' videos for those just dipping their toes in the world of shutter speeds and f-stops.

But here's where things get exciting: as my passion for drone photography took flight, I found myself at a crossroads. My existing YouTube channel began to feel a tad cramped with both conventional photography and my soaring drone escapades.

Up With My Drone - My drone YouTube channel

So, drumroll, please 🥁... I've launched a brand new YouTube channel dedicated solely to my drone adventures! It's in its infancy with just a handful of subscribers, but with your support, I believe it can reach new heights. Take a look at Up With My Drone, and let me know what you think!

Don't fret; I'm not branching out to a new website. This cozy corner of the internet will remain your go-to place for everything related to my camera and drone photography. So buckle up, and let's continue this incredible journey together!

Stay inspired,



Obscure Photo Idea - Photo Tip 133


Your Photos Are Rubbish - Photo Tip 132