The Real Deal on Setting Goals: Do They Actually Work?

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

After scouring Bing and sifting through over 12 million results, the consensus is clear: According to eight reputable sources, setting goals definitely works.

The GPS of Life

Setting goals isn't just a motivational poster catchphrase; it's the GPS you didn't know you needed. Goals steer your focus, helping you map out your path and avoid aimless wandering. Whether you're after something big or small, setting a goal provides a structured game plan to track your progress and hold you accountable. Not to mention, even if the goals are modest, achieving them can supercharge your confidence, prepping you for more ambitious endeavors.

What Actually Happens When You Set Goals

Let's be real, a few things can happen when you actually commit to a goal:

  1. You make noticeable progress, whether it's small or significant.

  2. You hit your target and bask in that glory.


  1. You miss the mark, but not without gaining valuable lessons and experiences along the way.

Photography Goals To Consider

As we're on the subject, here are some photography-related goals to get you thinking:

  • Snap more shots. Quantify this with a number or set a frequency for your photo outings.

  • Attend a workshop or training session.

  • Join a photography club (they're not just for pros!).

  • Monetize your photography skills.

  • Plan and go on a photo-centric trip.

  • Experiment with a new genre of photography.

Less Is More

Before you go on a goal-setting spree, here's a pro tip: Keep it simple. Although it's tempting to jot down a laundry list of goals, it's more effective to focus on just a couple at a time. Achieving two goals is far more manageable than overwhelming yourself with ten. So keep it streamlined, and you'll be setting yourself up for success.

So, in a nutshell, setting goals is a win-win. What are you waiting for?


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